Now that you have decided that having a dedicated call center is right for your business, the next point of consideration is where it should be located: onshore, nearshore, or offshore. Your decision will likely be impacted by the industry your business is in, your budget, and the needs of your customers.
The location you choose should be one you can affordably visit to monitor operations for quality and regulatory compliance. It should also offer you access to talented employees at a cost you are comfortable with. Employees at the site should have access to training on your products, services, and policies as necessary, in an environment that provides data security for your company and customers. They should also speak all of the languages your customers do so they can provide the best customer experience and service.
These issues considered, here’s how the three options for call center locations compare.
Onshore/Domestic Call Center
Located in the United States
- If your company is located in the United States, this option provides the least concern regarding any language or cultural barriers for your customers and the best assurance that your brand will be properly supported.
- Your call center operations would be close to your company’s base, making travel for training and oversight convenient.
- Your understanding of and compliance with any regulations that govern your industry is likely to be better.
- Data security can be easily created, supported, and monitored.
- Usually the best option for call centers highly driven to provide premium customer service.
Nearshore Call Center
Located outside the United States but nearby in either Mexico, Central America, South America, or islands near those places
- Travel to your call center in these regions is not difficult in terms of time and cost.
- Your call center would likely have access to agents who speak both Spanish and English well – two languages that are most common to customers in the United States.
- Potential employees will likely understand the cultural aspects of life in the United States.
- Labor costs are generally lower than in the United States.
- This option is typically best for smaller call center operations.
Offshore Call Center
Located in areas distant from the United States, such as Eastern Europe, Asia, India, and the Philippines
- If the cost of labor is your primary concern, having an offshore call center may best meet that requirement.
- You would likely locate your call center in one of the larger cities in any of these regions so you would probably have access to a large labor supply that speaks multiple languages.
- Many potential employees will likely understand the need to work hours that are compatible with business hours in the United States.
- You may find that governments in these locations will offer incentives for companies that offer jobs in their countries.
- This option is typically best for large call center operations.
Whichever call center option is right for your business, Responsive Call Center can provide a dedicated call center solution that helps your business grow. We have been helping businesses like yours nationally and internationally for more than 40 years manage their inbound, outbound, and business process outsourcing services to satisfy each of their unique needs.
We provide real-time technological solutions to optimize workflow and our call centers utilize a myriad of telecommunication applications, including Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Workforce Management (WFM), Softphone Software, and computer telephony integration (CTI) enabled phone systems.
Contact us to find out more about how our dedicated solutions can work for your business.